Friday, June 24, 2011

The Mother of All Pincushions

Needed a pincushion at the counter. Darn it all, ANOTHER project! ;)

Oo, Wild Flower Pincushion!

This pattern was written by Anna Maria Horner several years ago.  Here are hers (that go with the tutorial below):

And here are other peeps:

So the pattern pieces for this has apparently been removed from its original location (on Better Home & Garden), so I have re-posted it here:  Anna Maria Horner Wildflower Pincushion Pattern Pieces.  Below are her original instructions to make this giant beaut!

What You Need

    1/4 yard multicolor print (pincushion sides, bottom)
    1/8 yard orange floral (petals)
    6" square magenta polka dot (center)
    6" square heavy interfacing
    Polyester fiberfill

Finished Pincushion: 6 X 6 X 3"
Quantities are for 44/45"-wide, 100% cotton fabrics.
Measurements include 1/4" seam allowances.
Sew with right sides together unless otherwise stated.

Cut Your Fabrics

From multicolor print, cut:
-- 8 of Pattern A
-- 1 of Pattern D
From orange floral, cut:
-- 16 of Pattern B
From magenta polka dot, cut:
-- 1 of Pattern C
From heavy interfacing, cut:
-- 1 of Pattern C

Assemble Pincushion

Sew together multicolor print A pieces in a row to make pincushion side (Diagram 1). Clip seam allowances; finger-press seams to one side:

Join two orange floral B pieces, leaving short edge open for turning (Diagram 2). Turn right side out. Press to make a petal. Repeat to make eight petals total.
Matching center marks at raw edges, pin petals to outside of pincushion side; baste (Diagram 3).
Sew together ends of pincushion side to make a circle, leaving an opening for stuffing (Diagram 4).
Matching dots, baste magenta polka-dot C circle (purple section in Diagram 5) to top edge of pincushion side (Diagram 5). Join together 1/4" from edge. Clip seams; turn to right side.

Stuff lightly with fiberfill until pincushion stands on its own.

Baste small gathering stitches 1/8" from edges of multicolor print D circle. Center interfacing C circle on wrong side of D circle; pull gathers tight, wrapping D circle around interfacing, to make pincushion base (Diagram 6). Secure thread. Press.

Hand-sew pincushion base to bottom opening.  Stuff firmly with fiberfill. Hand-sew side opening closed to complete pincushion.

Behold the giant goodness.


  1. Those are super cute...way better than my little Chinese men around a tomato. ;)

  2. Thanks for posting! I'm working on an Amy Butler clutch right now but will be diving into this soon after. Loved seeing it on your desk when I came into the store. Super cute and good gift for newbie sewers too!

  3. Attempted this tonight and had a big fail when trying to fix the petals onto the round base and then the center. Maybe you should offer a class to make one of these! :)
